Know your Job Role fit and recommendations to reach the top.
Career Inventory is a scientific tool that evaluates the applicant on certain parameters. Career assessment tool helps you to match your requirements of potential careers and find the ones that are best fit for you.
Know your weaknesses and Recommendations to Improve.
Competency Assessment to evaluate key personality traits and workplace habits. Unravel applicant’s potential and skills to specified performance standards. Competency Assessment determines the candidate’s suitability for a particular role and objectively measures an individual’s workplace habits, flexibility, and other critical traits.
Answer the Industry best questions and know your readiness.
Mock interview helps the applicant develop interviewing strategies and whether your response is suitable for the given situation. Mock Interviews boost your confidence and point out your strengths/weaknesses in the interview process. It provides feedback about your interviewing abilities and figures out the hindrances in landing into your dream job.