

Test Description

DISC theory was developed by Dr. William Moulton Marston at Harvard University, as a method of identifying predictable actions and personality traits within human behavior. DISC is a simple and powerful tool to understand people. DISC generally focuses on individual patterns of external, observable behavior and emotions.

DISC profile is a simple, practical, and easy-to-remember model that measures the intensity of characteristics using scales of directness and openness to create a unique combination of four behavioral styles. They are:

  • Dominance (D)
  • Influence (I)
  • Steadiness (S)
  • Conscientiousness (C)

Any person can use DISC model to identify and unravel own blend of styles, recognize and adapt to the styles of others, and develop a better communication process that can allow him/her to interact effectively with others and help build mutually beneficial relationships.

DISC can provide insights into causes of stress and other problems, motivations, problem-solving processes, and ways to respond effectively to conflicts in normal life. An understanding of these factors can help in creating better working relationships both internally and externally.


People with Dominant style are fast paced, outgoing and task-oriented. They are usually focussed on results, problem-solving, and the bottom-line.

Persons with Dominant style

  • are motivated by winning, competition and success
  • focus on challenges, action taking, and achieving quick results
  • are direct and determined, forceful and demanding, strong-willed, driven and self-confident
  • may be impatient and stubborn
  • value competence, actions and concrete results


People with Influencing style are fast-paced, relationship-focused, Outgoing and People-oriented. They usually focus on influencing or persuading others and creating excitement with fun.

Persons with an Influencing style

  • are generally motivated by social recognition, group activities, and networking
  • value spontaneity, freedom of expression and collaboration
  • are fearful of rejection and being ignored
  • are charismatic and convincing, charming and enthusiastic, trusting and optimistic
  • may lack follow-through, and can be impulsive and disorganized
  • value spontaneity, dreaming, freedom of expression, and a variety of relationships
  • value fun and excitement, social acceptance and interaction

Influencing people focus on the positives. Avoid overloading such people with details, and don't interrupt. Document discussions and follow up in writing.


People with Steadiness style tend to be slow-paced, reserved and relationship-focused and people-oriented and exhibit supportive and steady behavior. They value relationships and focus on maintaining peace and harmony.

Persons with Steadiness style

  • are generally cooperative, keen to help, and appreciate people sincerely
  • are reliable, dependable, good listeners and good team workers.
  • focus on collaboration and supporting team efforts
  • are calm and patient, stable and predictable, consistent and deliberate
  • may resist change, are indecisive, and can be overly accommodating
  • value loyalty and dependability, helping others, and safety / security
  • take time to process details.


People with Compliant style are generally slower-paced, reserved and Task-oriented and exhibit cautious and careful behavior. They usually focus on facts, rules, and correctness.

Persons with Compliant style

  • are analytical and accurate, precise and systematic, cautious and careful,
  • focus on facts and use opportunities to gain more information and build their knowledge.
  • Focus on producing high-quality and accurate outputs
  • focus on maintaining procedures and protocols, and challenge assumptions with evidence and data
  • may be overcritical and over-analysing

Persons with Compliant style need time to process information and respond and formulate the best response.


Please reacd the choices carefully and respond with the best choice that reflects you true self and you innert nature.

There are no right or wrong choices - just the choices those reflect your personality.


Test Requirements

You need a computer or a mobile device to respond to the questions.

Test Outcomes

DISC may benefit organisations with improved communication, better understanding of people, less conflict, effective teams, increased teamwork and cooperation, increased productivity, and improved performance.

Key areas where DISC can be useful are

  • Recruitments and Role Alignments
  • Training, Consulting, Coaching
  • Leadership Development 
  • Team development
  • Salesforce Development
  • Customer service training
  • Conflict management
  • Job and career coaching

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